
17 September 2008

15 -9-08

We moved to our new apartment on Thursday in the rain, and eventually got everything into our new place. But the Internet Company we had gone with hadn’t sorted out our broadband connection. So after hours on the phone, we were given dial up for free until they could get the BB connected. But it didn’t work. Nothing we did worked. We tried all weekend to get some sort of connection. Finally today we went with another Internet Company, but we still have to wait 3 to 5 days! One day we will have a descent connection for the Internet.

I haven’t had much time to make cards with all the packing, moving and unpacking. But I was able to take better photographs of the cards I have made and type up better descriptions. I have some ideas for Christmas cards but I still can’t find many Christmas decorations etc.

Anyway on Sunday morning (12:15am) there was a fire alarm. Someone was playing with tennis balls in the hallway of our floor and hit the sprinklers, which set them off. I was just writing my journal before going to sleep when a beeping started, then a voice saying to leave the building. After a few seconds I realised it was a fire alarm and pulled on some clothes. We found out where another set of stairs are – which is good. I remembered to grab the keys so we could get back in. So we (some in dressing gowns, towels, some dressed) were standing outside the apartment building for 30 mins, before we could go back in.

The firemen showed up quickly and tried to get the water out of the hallway, and currently there are carpet dryers out in the hallway. Some of the water came into our apartment under the front door and some got into my bedroom. So at 1am we finally got back to bed.

Saturday was extremely hot – it was only 15 degrees Celsius but it felt a lot hotter. (I actually bought some nice new flip flops).

And today, finally the wireless modem arrived so I am able to sit here on the nice soft leather sofa with my feet up and the laptop on my lap. (I'm glad it doesn't get too hot). Feeling a little sleepy right now. I have been up and doing stuff since 9am!!!!!

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