
30 September 2009


I have just finished (well almost,) a consignment order for 12 origami cards. The business cards are printed and have my business stamp on the back. The envelopes are made (thanks Mom). All that is left to do is:
stamp the back of the cards
put the cards, envelopes etc in a cellobag with a little sticker on the back
and I need to create a list of items for the gallery they are going to and for me.

Now, I think I have earned some time to just sit down with a diet coke and watch some tv for the rest of the night.

Tomorrow, I want to get this all ready for shipping and make sure the box I get will be large enough. I will be taking photographs of these cards before they get all posted.

I've blogged about the Samoa thing
(Latest from the news: New tsunami warning for Apia)

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