I'm still liking this way of documenting. My system is currently to think about what photographs to take and to make notes during the week and then getting everything printed and done on the weekends.

Week Three
All these photographs were taken on the Friday. It never snows in Guernsey! So when it did this year and my Mom woke me up early I was quickly onto the cameras to get lots of shots! I used three cameras in total. My big DSLR, my camera phone (and I figured out how to get the photographs onto my computer so I could print them) and one Instax shot.

Week Four
I'm still not sure how to use the 6x6 page protectors. I searched for a way to print a 12x12 photographs but it seems expensive to get this done so I printed out my photographs at 5x7 and cut them to size. I had a couple sick days this week so read a few books while resting and feeling yucky.
I'm looking for other Project Lifers who blog! I like reading and seeing what other people are doing... any blogs recommendations??